Alice Tippit: Palsied Egg Thief, a catalog for an exhibition at Grince Bench, Los Angeles, CA with an essay, “The Boat of My Soul Staggers” by Jonathan Griffin.
Art & Object, ‘Reopened Galleries Offer Not to be Missed Solo Shows’ by Paul Laster
Alice Tippit: Still Life with Volcano, a catalog for an exhibition at Grice Bench, Los Angeles, CA, with two essays: “The Solemn, Torrid Symbol: the Paintings of Alice Tippit,” by Naomi Fry; “I Feel a Voluptuousness,” by Jeanne Dreskin.
ArtReview, ‘Alice Tippit’ by Jonathan Griffin
Art in America, ‘Alice Tippit’ by Elizabeth Buhe
Art Maze Mag interview with Rebecca Irvin
Frieze, ‘Alice Tippit’ by Mitch Speed
Maake Magazine interview with Kaveri Raina and Jenn Smith
Art Forum, ‘Alice Tippit’ by Johanna Fateman
New York Times, ‘What to See in New York Art Galleries This Week’ by Ken Johnson
This image was published as part of a series devoted to artists’ postcards initiated by Primary Information in the wake of the Trump Administration, as well as the social and political tumult that preceded it.